Historical Reenactors: Hobby, Avocation, Profession, Lifestyle?

January 20, 2023, 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. 

With historical reenactors Clare Hurley, Chris Hurley, and Sarah McDonough, Public Programs Manager at Lexington Historical Society

Many of us love history, but there are some that take their enthusiasm for the past to extraordinary lengths: they actually live history. They immerse themselves in a particular historical era, assuming the identities of historical types or specific individuals for hours or even days at a time. What is it about reviving an historically accurate event or person that inspires living history practitioners to endure itchy, ill-fitting clothes, weather events, long marches, and endless practice? Is it the thrill of public performance? Fulfillment from teaching accurate interpretations? Camaraderie amongst the avid? Join local reenactors as we explore their long-time allegiance to bringing the past back to life. Learn more…

Registration is free. REGISTER HERE!

Questions? Contact us at: commons@masshistoryalliance.org


Conversations on the Commons

Where people from Massachusetts history organizations get to vent, empathize, laugh, complain, think, collaborate, brainstorm, plan, and in general be up to no good.