The Mass History Conference will be online! Here’s what you need to know.

This year’s Mass History Conference will be a fully virtual experience, a first for us! We are really looking forward to this unique opportunity to gather online. Here’s what you need to know to make the most of this year’s online Mass History Conference.


Virtual Exhibitor Center

If you’ve attended the Mass History Conference before, you may remember the Mass History Commons space where exhibitors and sponsors set up tables to meet with conference attendees. This year, we’ve transformed the Mass History Commons tabling space into a virtual Exhibitor Hall, where organizations will still be able to showcase their projects and products and provide information to conference attendees. A standard virtual table is free with your conference registration, and this year there’s no space limit! If you would like to set up a virtual table at the Exhibitor Hall, just let us know when you register for the conference or email us at 


The Day of Conference (June 7th)

If you haven’t already done so, mark your calendar for Monday, June 7th, the day of the conference. New features that will be available to conference attendees include virtual spaces to connect with friends old and new, including a daylong “Cafe” zoom room, a conference Community Board, and an evening Awards Ceremony & Happy Hour. This day’s events will be held on the Whova app, which allows you to create an attendee Profile and chat message with other attendees throughout the day. Check out the conference program at a glance for more details on these virtual opportunities to connect. 


Classes and Conversations (throughout June)

One special feature of this year’s conference is that there are multiple events scheduled throughout June, so there’s much more to look forward to beyond June 7th! Three Cafes will be hosted on Fridays throughout the month, where you can catch up, reflect on sessions, and discuss shared interests and issues relating to teaching, working with, and preserving history. Also, three Classes will be hosted on Tuesdays throughout the month, where you can learn new skills and share tips and ideas with colleagues. Your conference registration includes access to all 6 of these bonus events!


Full June Calendar

Need help keeping track of all of these events? Refer to the conference program at a glance, which lists all of the session dates and times throughout June, to double-check which sessions you’ll be attending, plan ahead for snack breaks and coffee runs, or mark your calendars for the Cafes and Classes.