Conversations on the Commons (events)
Conversations on the Commons: 250th Anniversary of the American Revolutionary War
Online MA, United StatesCasting A Broader Net: Telling New Stories for the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolutionary War April 8, 2022, 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. A Conversation with Patrice Todisco, Executive Director of Freedom's Way National Heritage Area; Jonathan Lane, Coordinator of Revolution250; and Juliet Jacobson, Board member of the Pioneer Valley History Network We’re hard by […]
Conversations on the Commons: Be an AASLH History Leader
Online MA, United StatesJoin the American Association for State and Local History awards representatives to learn more about this opportunity for recognition.
Conversations on the Commons: Blogging History
Online MA, United StatesHistorical organizations are sitting on that rare and valuable beastie on the internet: interesting content. This makes blogging an attractive option for sharing local history, what you have, and issues concerning history and society.
Conversations on the Commons: Neutrality and Engagement for Historical Organizations
Online MA, United StatesMuseum people are talking a lot about whether their organizations should be politically, “neutral” in their presentation and interpretation of history. But what is neutrality?
Conversations on the Commons: Yoga in the Museum
Online MA, United StatesJoin us for a conversation about how history organizations can broaden their base of support through programming that moves well beyond the traditional tours and exhibits.
Conversations on the Commons: Collecting for the 21st Century
Online MA, United StatesAs historical organizations increasingly take on the role of relevance to a wider audience, we need to collect different "stuff" from a more diverse population. Perhaps your town has changed over the past century and your collections do not reflect the local histories of people and groups who are now a vital part of your community. How do you go about enriching your collections with their stories and connecting them to older histories? What are the obstacles and successes you have met with?
Conversations on the Commons: Historical Reenactors
Online MA, United StatesWhat is it about reviving an historically accurate event or person that inspires living history practitioners to endure itchy, ill-fitting clothes, weather events, long marches, and endless practice? Is it the thrill of public performance? Fulfillment from teaching accurate interpretations? Camaraderie amongst the avid? Join two local reenactors as we explore their long-time allegiance to bringing the past back to life.
Conversations on the Commons: Sustaining Engagement: High Schoolers and History
Online MA, United StatesHow can museums and historic sites keep young people engaged in historical study? Join us for a panel with the Massachusetts Historical Society, RevSpaces, and the Concord Review.
Conversations on the Commons: Show Us the Money! Grants for Historical Organizations
Online MA, United StatesHow can museums and historic sites keep young people engaged in historical study? Join us for a panel with the Massachusetts Historical Society, RevSpaces, and the Concord Review.
Conversations on the Commons: Financial Management for Historical Organizations
Online MA, United StatesGot a Treasurer? Join us for a conversation that will clear up some hard financial questions and discuss what kind of financial records your organization should be keeping.
Conversations on the Commons: Gender and Sexuality History at Your Site
Online MA, United StatesJoin us on October 20 from 2:00-3:30pm for this Conversation on the Commons.
Conversations on the Commons: Separating Fact from Fiction: Historical Halloween Programming
Online MA, United StatesJoin us on October 27 for this Conversation on the Commons.