Susan Wilson

Susan Wilson

To Susan Wilson for her unique work in combining history with photography and performing arts in making history in Boston not only fun, but seriously engaging.
Joy Contois

Joy Contois

To Joy Contois (posthumously) for her extensive contributions to formal and publicĀ  history education in and about Fitchburg.
Kyle & Jessica DeCicco-Carey

Kyle & Jessica DeCicco-Carey

To Kyle & Jessica DeCicco-Carey for social media work and other creative initiatives over and above the call of duty that kept and are keeping the Mattapoisett Historical Society and Museum relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Justin Demetri

Justin Demetri

To Justin Demetri for his extensive contributions in advancing the heritage and understanding of the fishing and shipbuilding community in Gloucester and on Cape Ann.
Prudence Fish

Prudence Fish

To Prudence Fish, an indefatigable defender of our built and natural environment and authority on historic houses in Gloucester, for her long-term contributions to Gloucester history.